Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our cars have expired tags on them, but have current registration. Can I drive my car still?

We are waiting on the tags in the mail. Will we still get a ticket for driving on expired tags?? If a police officer runs our plates then they would see that they had a current registration.

Our cars have expired tags on them, but have current registration. Can I drive my car still?
It is illegal to drive your vehicle without the current tag registration stickers on your plate.

An officer would more than likely let you go if you told him your story, showed your New Current Registration, and everything checked out when he called it in to dispatch.

I would try to limit my driving until those tag stickers come in, and make sure your inspection sticker is up to date as well to lessen the chance you will get pulled over.
Reply:The tag office should give you a temporary tag to drive around with until your new tags arrive in the mail. If you haven%26#039;t asked for one, you are entitled to it.

Good post. I had some problems with my car after I had an accident. My Insurer wanted to raise my rates $525 a year! I%26#039;ve never even gotten a speeding ticket!

I looked for a new provider and found this website:

They compare all of the major insurance providers and give you the best deal. I ended up saving over $300 from what I was previously paying (that%26#039;s $825 a year!).

Good Luck
Reply:drive with a copy of the check for the new registration you should be ok or some kind of proof
Reply:If you get pulled over and the tags are only expired by a short amount of time, standard practice is to bring it to your attention as a warning unless they pulled you over for doing something reckless, like driving 140 miles per hour. If the officer brings it to your attention, just politely thank him or her and inform them that you%26#039;ve renewed the registration, but are waiting for the stickers, which are in the mail. If you can%26#039;t bring any proof of registration with you, they should be able to check it( though they could, if they really wanted, give you a ticket).

I should stress though that they probably won%26#039;t. If you take it to court( which I would suggest), they would have to show up and try to explain why they gave a ticket for expired registration to someone who had paid for and attained proper registration before they gave you the ticket, which would just make them look like fools.

Basically, you should be fine.


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