Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How much can i expect to pay for car tags on a 2004 mazda tribute?

Just bought one and was wondering what tags are going to cost, roughly.

How much can i expect to pay for car tags on a 2004 mazda tribute?
The cost of a tag will vary state by state. If you live in state that does vehicle devaluation, you will pay more for your tag than a state that charges a flat fee, with room for the county and city to add on for road maintnance. Your best bet is to check if your state%26#039;s DMV is online. If they are online, enter all the appropriate info and see what it all comes out to being. I live in state that is very online. Good luck.
Reply:It varies greatly by state. In IL, where I live, non-vanity tags are $78 per year. I think when you get tags for the first time, they are more (tax on the purchase, for example, is included in the initial price).


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