Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?

i just bouht a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and i%26#039;m not sure i will have the money to get the tags on time (due April 29th) how much is the penalty for getting them lets say 3 weeks late?? (maybe May 20th). i live in Missouri. thanks in advance.

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?
Just bought it? Then you should have a temporary registration, and if stopped this should not be a problem.

If you go a short time past the renewal date, they may just allow you to come in with the new tags and show them. A few days is a few days, not a couple weeks.
Reply:The only penalties is if a cop gives you a ticket. My boss parked a car for 2 years. When he went to get the tabs, he just had to pay for the years it did not have any.
Reply:I dont%26#039; know about Missouri but in Texas there aren%26#039;t any penalties for getting your tags late...just the cost to get them again, usually runs about $50 here. And of course the tickets if you get caught! lol.

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