Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can I drive car I bought with out registration and tags to my county?

I would get insurance on the car but I am looking to get the vehicle to my home. The registration and tags will take a week to be done.

Can I drive car I bought with out registration and tags to my county?
No. If you bought from a lot, they should have furnished you with temporary (paper) tags good for 30 days. If you bought from a private party, check with the DMV for a 24 hour permit to move it. Even with that, don%26#039;t drive it an inch without insurance in place.

If all else fails, trailer it, or hire a tow truck to bring it to the house.
Reply:Sure, if you want to get chased by the highway patrol!

duh! You%26#039;ll have to get it towed....
Reply:not legally but i have done it several 2 get temp tags

skin tags

How much can i expect to pay for car tags on a 2004 mazda tribute?

Just bought one and was wondering what tags are going to cost, roughly.

How much can i expect to pay for car tags on a 2004 mazda tribute?
The cost of a tag will vary state by state. If you live in state that does vehicle devaluation, you will pay more for your tag than a state that charges a flat fee, with room for the county and city to add on for road maintnance. Your best bet is to check if your state%26#039;s DMV is online. If they are online, enter all the appropriate info and see what it all comes out to being. I live in state that is very online. Good luck.
Reply:It varies greatly by state. In IL, where I live, non-vanity tags are $78 per year. I think when you get tags for the first time, they are more (tax on the purchase, for example, is included in the initial price).


How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?

i just bouht a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and i%26#039;m not sure i will have the money to get the tags on time (due April 29th) how much is the penalty for getting them lets say 3 weeks late?? (maybe May 20th). i live in Missouri. thanks in advance.

How much is the penalty for getting late new tags on a car?
Just bought it? Then you should have a temporary registration, and if stopped this should not be a problem.

If you go a short time past the renewal date, they may just allow you to come in with the new tags and show them. A few days is a few days, not a couple weeks.
Reply:The only penalties is if a cop gives you a ticket. My boss parked a car for 2 years. When he went to get the tabs, he just had to pay for the years it did not have any.
Reply:I dont%26#039; know about Missouri but in Texas there aren%26#039;t any penalties for getting your tags late...just the cost to get them again, usually runs about $50 here. And of course the tickets if you get caught! lol.

skin rash

How do I figure out how to post a pic in my blog? What are the tags for the width and height?

Im trying to figure out what the tags are to post a pic in my blog.

How do I figure out how to post a pic in my blog? What are the tags for the width and height?
the width and height atributed are deprecaed and you should use css

%26lt;style type=%26#039;text/css%26#039;%26gt;

#img {





%26lt;img id=img src=bob.jpg%26gt;
Reply:%26lt;img src=%26quot; %26quot; width=%26quot; %26quot; height=%26quot; %26quot; /%26gt;

The values for go inside the quotation marks. The %26#039;src%26#039; attribute is where you place the URL of the image.
Reply:Try this one, it is very easy and nice to use

After you create a photo album , you upload images to the album

when you post a blog, you can insert images from your album as many as you like

You can do both blog and upload your photo images for free here. They have very good security for images and blog post. If you set your album or post as private, other user can not see your album%26#039;s images or post unless you allow them to see it. Best of all, the message and feedback feature allow you to contact your friend or other user directly easily. After you sign up, your URL address will be %26quot;;. Easy to remember and you can share it with your friends. Customise themes and title allow you to set up your personal style for the interface. Also they have very good interecting tools such like message and feedback that allow you contact to other user freely.


Is having an untitled vehicle licence plate illegal compared to temporary tags?

I just got a pre-owned car. The salesmen told me that they use these tags because they don%26#039;t expire so soon compared to the paper tags until mine come in within 3 weeks. Later, I was told that I may could get pulled over for this. Is this true?

Is having an untitled vehicle licence plate illegal compared to temporary tags?
yes, if i knew the number id report u myself. just joking. id contact the govt and ask
Reply:Keep the Bill of Sale and Application for Registration with you. Should provide some assurance to police that vehicle is in the process of getting registered.


How do you get rid of moles, skin tags etc...?

I have a load of moles and skin tags that are raised and I really want to get rid of them, by any means necessary. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks

How do you get rid of moles, skin tags etc...?
i have one way but it%26#039;ll hurt. and imperfections in a way makes us perfect, i doubt you%26#039;ll understand what i mean...
Reply:I tried the cotton thing didn%26#039;t work. I was in agony and had real trouble getting the cotton off. See your GP. Much safer
Reply:uh, surgery, dur
Reply:Go to a dermatologist to burn off the moles... and see what else you can do..
Reply:James;re handsome enough with your moles...i mean all the girls want you...and the

Reply:go to your gp and they will remove them if they are going to cause you any harm. the gp will freeze them then slice them off. its not painful doing it but can hurt a little coming out of the freeze.
Reply:My doctor says I can cut my own skin tags off -- as long as they%26#039;re not too big. It HURTS though!

You really should see a dermatolgist for the moles, though, because they need to be biopsied to be sure they%26#039;re not cancerous.
Reply:yes u can get skin tags burnt off,a relative of mine had it done but said it nipped a little..and for moles u can have them cut out but it will leave a scar,see ur doctor.
Reply:Skin tags yes moles no.

Tie string/cotton round the s/t and in a few days it will fall off.
Reply:You can lose a skin-tag by tying a cotton thread tightly around it. In a day or two it will fall off.
Reply:Go to your doctor and say one has changed colour or shape recently you will then get sent to hospital to get it removed - you will likely get a scalpel happy surgeon who want to take every mole on your body off.

I wouldn%26#039;t recommend trying a DIY job.
Reply:Surgery for moles and if they are on your face a good plastic surgeon is the best route. Your GP should be able to freeze your skin tags (like a wart) and cut them off.


Our cars have expired tags on them, but have current registration. Can I drive my car still?

We are waiting on the tags in the mail. Will we still get a ticket for driving on expired tags?? If a police officer runs our plates then they would see that they had a current registration.

Our cars have expired tags on them, but have current registration. Can I drive my car still?
It is illegal to drive your vehicle without the current tag registration stickers on your plate.

An officer would more than likely let you go if you told him your story, showed your New Current Registration, and everything checked out when he called it in to dispatch.

I would try to limit my driving until those tag stickers come in, and make sure your inspection sticker is up to date as well to lessen the chance you will get pulled over.
Reply:The tag office should give you a temporary tag to drive around with until your new tags arrive in the mail. If you haven%26#039;t asked for one, you are entitled to it.

Good post. I had some problems with my car after I had an accident. My Insurer wanted to raise my rates $525 a year! I%26#039;ve never even gotten a speeding ticket!

I looked for a new provider and found this website:

They compare all of the major insurance providers and give you the best deal. I ended up saving over $300 from what I was previously paying (that%26#039;s $825 a year!).

Good Luck
Reply:drive with a copy of the check for the new registration you should be ok or some kind of proof
Reply:If you get pulled over and the tags are only expired by a short amount of time, standard practice is to bring it to your attention as a warning unless they pulled you over for doing something reckless, like driving 140 miles per hour. If the officer brings it to your attention, just politely thank him or her and inform them that you%26#039;ve renewed the registration, but are waiting for the stickers, which are in the mail. If you can%26#039;t bring any proof of registration with you, they should be able to check it( though they could, if they really wanted, give you a ticket).

I should stress though that they probably won%26#039;t. If you take it to court( which I would suggest), they would have to show up and try to explain why they gave a ticket for expired registration to someone who had paid for and attained proper registration before they gave you the ticket, which would just make them look like fools.

Basically, you should be fine.


Where can I find embrioderable name/company name tags for work shirts?

I am looking for the type of name tages(2 inches by 3 inches) that can be embroidered for my husbands work shirts. They have a white backgrund and an embriodered edge.

I have looked at all the local craft suply and sewing stores and I am at a loss where to find them. When I tried to find them on ebay all I found were the regular plastic and metal name tags.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Where can I find embrioderable name/company name tags for work shirts?
www.nebs .com
Reply:try hobbie lobby. or a fabic store

maintenance repairs

How do you get rid of skin tags?

I have two decent size skin tags on each side of my neck. I am currently a full time student and do not have medical insurance so I cannot get them removed by a doctor. Is there any topical solution sold in stores that removes them?

How do you get rid of skin tags?
i think u jus boil water and peel them off
Reply:You can use a dr. or do what I did, I had 2 under my armpit, it took me 2 days but I pinched it with my thumb and finger and did it again till it broke off, you could take a pair of small facial scissors depending on the size, depends on if there will be blood, take time it will hurt a little, but it%26#039;ll heal.
Reply:First all skin tags can be present with diabetics.

You can take a piece of thread and really tighten it/let it stay on %26amp; it will fall off. My mom had a doctor tell her that.

Or cut it---it will bleed alot if done that way. Always cut or thread them when they are small.
Reply:My friend clipped hers off with nail clippers. Sounds painful but the good news is they never grew back.
Reply:im not sure if i am spelling it right but you just go to the dermatologist and have them cauterized.
Reply:I know it%26#039;s awful but I pull mine off. Mine are little %26amp; I just pinch them between my nails %26amp; pull...
